Municipal Election

Today's post is by guest blogger Denis O'Gorman.

The November 19 civic election has special importance to Penticton taxpayers concerned with sound decision making.

And the issue isn't about opposition to economic development as some would have us believe.  Instead, it's about random development approvals such as the highrise on Haynes Street which is out of scale and not compliant with the City's own revitalization goals.  It's also about approval of the P2 project with its towers over 20 stories- excessive height, out of character, and given away with  inadequate community benefits.  It is an ad hoc departure from the height prescribed in the City's Official Community Plan.

And now, there is an otherwise commendable servicing agreement with the Penticton Indian Band for Reserve #2, just off Carmi Rd. Apparently this didn't preclude a proposed prison siting.  Remember, voters rejected that proposal by a 2 to 1 margin.  The risk it presents to other developments means it shoudn't come in quietly through a back door.

The earlier Sierra Club maxim applies here . . . "Not blind opposition to progress but opposition to blind progress."  We need a Council that can set sound policy and abide by it.

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